Thursday, February 24, 2005

New Years

Just so you can see just how far behind I am. So I will make it fast: New Years was great in Berlin. Every once in while the German folk come out of there normal inhibited, every thing must be careful and planed shells and head to the streets to set off large fireworks in crowded areas.

GPoD: Now this is my idea of fun! – Jetzt, dass ist meine Idee des Spaßes!

Sorry About the Delay

Ok having had a hard couple of months with school I once again find myself able to dedicate valuable time to blogging.

Lets see were did we leave off.... ah York.

The good news was that trouble, Eli, left the next day. The bad news was that yours truly was in the back seat of the car in which she left. We were of to the lake district. On what would have normally been a lovely drive down winding lanes across the English country side, and this is literally across because we crossed the entire country in just a few hours, I felt ill as if on a small boat in a squall. I did get to view the Wuthering Heights House: still think the book stinks. Don't know what the characters had to get so worked up about, it actually seemed like a very nice area to live.

Upon arriving in the lake district Eli's grandparents were so kind as to greet us with a full meal on the table including beers. Nice gesture, but head still spinning from the car ride I thought I was going to be sick all over the table. Manged to hold a appreciative smile on my face as we ate. Then to a fairy across Lake Windermere. A full English experience involving wind, rain, but nice views only slightly obscured by fog.
Then after a cup of tea we were of again! This time to Manchester. A beer in the pub with Si and Kirsty (who almost could not be arsed(bothered) to drive ten minutes to visit me - would have been unforgiven, still a bit of hard feelings for the near miss), a bit of sleep and on a plane back to Berlin.

GPoD Die Eniglish sind alle nicht wirklich schlecht. - The English are not really all bad. (It should be noted that because of English - German relations this phrase doses not actually exist in German)

Monday, February 07, 2005


Having worn the welcome from my family in London paper thin I ventured north. My good friend Alex and his family foolishly had extend the olive branch, so away I went.

When I would tell people that I was planning to go to York the general response was something like, "Great, nice historic town." To this I would shrug my shoulders and say "I guess so" thinking there would be an old street or two. When I showed up to find that I could not enter the city because there was a large wall in the way and would have to go down to the main gate I was a little bit, in aw! I can not try to describe the town of York so you'll just have to wait for photos.

The Winstanley family was very welcoming, even had the fire going when I arrived. The meals were plentiful and tasty(photo is of excitement over roast not distaste). This was enough to make a Kansas boy feel at home but then there was the bed being pulled back every night, a glass of water and Advil on the nightstand, wow.

Things to do while in York:

1. Stay with the WInstanleys.
2. Walk around the city walls.
3. Take the dog for a walk on the marshy race grounds.
4. See the Minster.
5. Drink in a pub that is twice as old as your county.

For the first few days I had proudly left the aspirin untouched, then came Eli. We went out for drink and dancing. Having over indulged in both I found myself in need of the aspirin on the last day. Although I can proudly say that my dancing was in such rare form that the bouncer had to ask me on three separate occasions to, “Please put the lady’s feet back on the floor.”

GPoD: Massenhysterie kommt mit Eli! - With Eli comes mass hysteria!

Upon arriving Alex showed me his new phone that his service provider gave to him as a way of saying thank you for taking your English calling plan phone to Germany with you and continuing to use it as if you were making local calls. I am very jealous, coolest phone ever!