Thursday, December 16, 2004

The Standoff

It has now been a week since the last load of laundry was done in my WG(German for shared apartment). The reason being that we are out of laundry soap. In our happy home there are certain items that we share, such as soap. As I see it, I replaced not only the dishwashing soap, but the hand soap as well, in one purchase! This exonerates me from purchasing laundry soap. So we wait. My roommates may think they have the advantage by having more clothes, but little do they know just how dirty I can be.

GPoD Sieg werdet mein sind – Victory will be mine.


At December 16, 2004 at 5:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moin, Moin,

ich wuerde einfach mal sagen, dass man nicht auf diese Weise den Konflikt loest, sondern viel eher durch reden... Vergiss nicht, nach Deiner Zeit muss immerhin ich mit den beiden leben;-)


(For the non german speaking guys)

What's up,

I'd rather say that for solving this conflict you should talk to them... Please don't forget after your time I am the guy who has to live with that two girls together;-)


Der Sieg wird Dein sein

At December 16, 2004 at 6:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, don't you know best!....

problems are best solved by addressing.....

Der Sieg wird mein sein...

blah, blah, blah


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