Taking the Piss
This weekend the Brits and few French from last semester returned to celebrate Jeremy's and Alex's birthdays. It was a great weekend.
I learned this weekend that taking piss the piss out of someone in the queens language means that you make fun of them. I still think it would be more embarrassing be the one taking someone else's piss. Trying to understand the queens language was best summed up in the movie Snatch: "Blagged? Do me a favor, Tony, speak English. I thought this country spawned the fucking language, and so far nobody seems to speak it."
That said:
I would like to apologise in advance to all my English kin and mates. Alex, Kirst, Ellie, Nina, Kate and Yoko: Sorry but lets have the Mickey.
The English must be the trash of the world. Great fun to hang out with, but man what tastes.
First I would like to address the celebrity stalking. There can't be anyone else in the world that devotes as much grey matter to topics like; how long a celebrity was in the bathroom, who has been caught by the paparazzi with pit stains, who is too fat, who is too skinny, and my favourite: WHAT THE EX-SPICE GIRLS ARE DOING EVERYDAY OF THEIR LIVES!
Secondly I would like to point out the obsession with classic trash pop. To celebrate Alex's b-day we went to the Havana Club. I prefer dental work to the Havana Club, but as it was not my b-day I went under protests. Had I not drained my wallet trying to cover the globe in the last few weeks I could have used alcohol to num the pain. However, the 2€ I had to my name(I still have 1 of those 2) said I had to take the Havana like a man. Back to the point. The reason I dislike the Havana is the high calibre scum that congregates there to listen to horrible music. The English's tast in this sort of music can be best described by the way Ellie's face lit up, with just as much excitement as it did the first, THE SECOND TIME THE GHOSTBUSTERS SONG CAME ON.
Finally I would like to draw your attention to the recent brawl between Pistons and Pacers. What was headline news as a great tragedy to fair sporting in the rest of the world would have been lucky to be a side note on the sports page in England. An English football (soccer) hooligan would proudly start a fight before, during or after a game with fans, players or grandmothers. If his team looses he wants to kick ass because he is pissed and if his team wins he will fight to celebrate, and it is entirely possible that his team did not play that day and HE JUST WANTS TO BEAT AND BE BEATEN.
Schön Geburtstag Alex! - Happy birthday Alex!
Schön Geburtstag Jeremy! - Happy birthday Jeremy!
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