Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Breaking News

I have just received an e-mail from WSU stating that I have been nominated for the: "2005 Honor Men and Women Award"! I'm so excited I could spit! Now, if I only knew what it was. I sure hope I win (I sure hope it's not grade related)!

Karneval update:
On the first day of Karneval women cut the tie of every man they meet after 11am, but mostly the party is only held in Köln

GPoD Wünschen mich Glück - Wish me luck


At November 16, 2004 at 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ties cost like thirty dollars! Thank goodness I never wear them in germany on that one day in the mornings.

At November 16, 2004 at 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

also, congratulations on the nomination. What were the criteria? Did you have be a male or female human within the ages 0 and 399? or did you do something honorable like put the toilet seat up while uninating and then put it back down when finished?

At November 16, 2004 at 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi will. you know, when i first learned that you where starting a blog i had the opinion that you were a geek, or a nerd even. but then as time passed, i found myself actually traveling on the world wide wib to this site of yours to read your postings and they are rather humorous. on another note, they make me miss berlin. congrats on the award also. i always knew that your sole purpose for being here to to win such distinguished awards for being an honorable person. i once lit my shirt on fire if you remember. ok, anyway this is getting long, hope all is well bro and keep in touch. peace.

steve z

At November 16, 2004 at 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi will. you know, when i first learned that you where starting a blog i had the opinion that you were a geek, or a nerd even. but then as time passed, i found myself actually traveling on the world wide wib to this site of yours to read your postings and they are rather humorous. on another note, they make me miss berlin. congrats on the award also. i always knew that your sole purpose for being here was to win such distinguished awards for being an honorable person. i once lit my shirt on fire if you remember and am yet to recieve any award nor even a mere compliment for my achievements. ok, anyway this is getting long, hope all is well bro and keep in touch. peace.

steve z

At November 18, 2004 at 7:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WIll this blogging shit just isn't cutting it. You really need to sever you ties with this crap and move on. Save you daily life events for those camp fire stories everyone loves to hear.

You Know my Name SON.


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